What We Do

What We Do

Welcome to the Air Traffic Specialists Association of Canada Web site. This Union Local represents approximately 640 Flight Service Specialists who work at 53 Airport Advisory Stations, 5 Flight Information Centres, one International Flight Service Station and various regional and national head offices throughout Canada.

Who Are We? What Do We Do?

Every decision a pilot makes has consequences—for themselves, for their passengers and crew, and for everyone else in the skies. From the student in a single-engine Cessna, to a specialized Medevac flight crew, to the pilots of a commercial air carrier, what they all need first and foremost is reliable, dependable, up-to-the-minute information. That’s where you could come in.
Flight Service Specialists work in Flight Service Stations (FSS) and Flight Information Centres (FIC). Flight Service Stations provide local weather information, airport advisory services and traffic information; while the country’s five FICs deliver flight planning, in-depth interpretive weather information and en route advisories to aircraft operating in Canadian airspace.

Interested in becoming a Flight Service Specialist?

As a NAV CANADA Flight Service Specialist, you: